Wednesday, November 4, 2009

notes from the heart

I went to a conference last weekend. It was really encouraging, the different talks all spoke to my heart. Here are my notes from one of the talks. I hope you have time to read it, and be encouraged in your ministry whatever it may be.

From the Early Morning, Sow the Seed:
Eccl. 11:6

-We bring the hope of the nations (gospel), we have the precious gift of salvation

Prov. 6:10, Luke 13:3, Luke 4:42
-sow the seed, do not stop yourself or let others stop you!

-you have to know the soil you are sowing (aka culture, religious backgrounds, etc.)
-when a farmer intended to sow the seed, he had to take the stones out of the soil, remove weeds, work the soil to break it up, and then, he got to sow the seeds

-when coming into a culture that is not your own, do not share the gospel in a way that destroys their culture or their identity (ex:most Italians are Catholic and say they are Christians because they are Catholic. Do not tell them that they cannot be Catholic to be a Christian, because Catholisism has become a part of how they identify who they are)
-instead of destroying, respect them, love them, and use wisdom in how you approach them with the truth
Matt. 28:19 (Great Commission)

-little by little change will come
-you are a Christian, but you are also a disciple (from the Latin word for student)
-pray A LOT, listen A LOT, if you hear a word from God for someone, write it down!

I Cor. 11:1, 4:6
-we are to be immitators of the Word, mirrors reflecting it

Job 8:8
-don't ignore history
-take notes on the lessons you have to learn from God
-remember, you are on a team with the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:20 "and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.")

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