Sunday, August 24, 2008

My journey takes a new turn...

I came upon this morning with great hope. God had impressed great things on my heart, and there was so much hope for the future that He holds in His infinite hands. After church, I came back to my aunt and uncle's house, checked my email only to discover that my date of departure had been moved! The date has been moved to the third week of September. I sat and stared at the email in disbelief for about 2 minutes. Then I began my melt down which lasted for 3 or 4 hours. What three more weeks delay means for me is that I would be in Houston for a whole month, doing nothing during the day, and hanging out with my sister at night. Hanging out with Jess would not be bad, but the hours leading up to that would be unbearable. The next thought I had was that I would go back to Lubbock for a week during that time, but after much thought, and talking with people wiser than myself, we decided that it would not be the best thing to go to Lubbock. That in itself was a hard realization to come to. There is nothing I want more than to go and be with everyone there again. I think God wants to teach me something that requires me being away from my friends, and it sucks. So I was still stuck with Houston for one month at this point. My parents then chimed in with a solution, go to Italy. So right now I am looking at a week in Houston, then flying to Italy, and hopping a plane to Korea after a few weeks there. It is not set in stone by any means right now, but that is the tentative plan. After going through 3 months of this whole ordeal, which means trying to get to South Korea, I have learned that nothing is set in stone until it actually happens, haha.

I was still restless after all this so I went to a haven of mine, Starbucks. Over a Vanilla Latte, I began to read the book "Breaking Free" by Beth Moore. In the next hour, God had addressed everything that had come up in this dramatic fiasco of a day. It never ceases to amaze me that He always has it under control, no matter how crazy it looks, or how dreadful it feels. I also read a bit of Job, he knows a bit about struggle. I was drawn to one passage in particular, Job 36:15-16 says, "But those who suffer he delivers them in their suffering; He speaks to them in their affliction. He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food." It continues on to more incredible things, I suggest you read it all if you never have, it puts good perspective on our small lives and God's majesty. I am waiting for the place that is free from restriction, but I do not know what it will take to get there. Let me know if you have any thoughts on that...

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