Friday, February 26, 2010


An encouraging quote or two for those who are waiting on the Lord.

"What we wait for is not more important than what happens to us while we are waiting."
-John Ortberg

"We must live these words--soaring, running, and walking--'one at a time.'"
-In reference to Isaiah 40:30-31-
-John Ortberg quoting David Hubbard

If you are waiting with me for anything, take heart in these quotes, and in the place they are inspired from, the Bible.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pink Flower

There is this pink flower in the backyard. I found it's pot knocked over, and turned it back to it's right side. Since that day, I have made the flower my metaphor for these months. It was knocked over, but it was picked up and turned back towards the sun. It has lived through freezes and rains. Everyday, I check on the pink flower to see if it is withering or growing. Each day it turns it's head to the sun, and in the storms, it soaks up the goodness of the rain so it can grow.

I am the pink flower. I was knocked over, and hands picked me up. I survived the freezes and the torrential downpours. Everyday, I turn my head towards the sun, and when the storms come out, I take in the rain so that I can grow. Brighter, and more beautiful with everyday.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Today and yesterday have been great writing days for me. I felt surges of creativity and new ideas. I feel like my book changes each time I write, it grows with everyday. I have one main outline I stick to, but all the in between details can change with a whim. The reality of exactly how much research I am going to have to do for this book just hit me today. I spent an hour reading about the Duomo in Florence, Italy. I have been to the Duomo multiple times, but I discovered that I do not know much about it's history. Patience is also key in this process as I take the time to write about the details of the different places, but how can one write about all the details of the Duomo? That would be a book in itself. Eventually, I will have to find my happy medium between literally descriptive, and too vague. I would post part of the book for you all to read, but it is still in the baby stages. It would make me nervous to let the public, or just a few friends read it now. Maybe when I have gained more confidence in it, I will put up a bit and get you guys feedback.

Here's to creative endeavors that keep our minds running.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


"I arise today through God's strength to pilot me; God's might to uphold me, God's wisdom to guide me, God's eye to look before me God's ear to hear me, God's word to speak for me, God's hand to guard me. Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise. Christ in the heart of every one who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every one who speaks of me, Christ in the every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me. I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity."

-"Lorica" by Saint Patrick

When our focus turns to Christ at all times, in every aspect of our lives we will find it hard to be disappointed, or lose hope. Still reading that book by Ortberg.

Monday, February 15, 2010

When I feel alone, I will trust in You.
When it seems that I don't have the strength to wait another day, I will trust in You.
Here I am crying out to You.
Speak to me in the quiet of these days.
Grow my capacity to love You more.
Place in me the patience to wait and the perseverance to press through this time.
Teach me and remind me who You are.
For You have always been faithful to me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Cave

In the Old Testament, before David became king, he was in a cave. King Saul, who used to favor him, now wanted to kill him out of jealousy. Essentially, he lost his job. Then he went to the Phillistines and pretended to be crazy so they might give him sanctuary, but they didn't want another crazy person. Then he goes and hides out in the cave. On the bright side, he had acquired a group of people that were in bad situations themselves , and together, they formed their own city. One day, their city was pillaged while the men were out. Everything and everyone was carried off. The people blame David. He also in this time period loses his first wife who was Saul's daughter. His best friend could no longer maintain contact with him either, since he was Saul's son. David is stripped of everything: job, friends, wife, family, reputation, home, and comfort.

Psalm 142 is David's lament to the Lord. The Lord welcomes our laments. Which is such a comfort to my heart. I am glad that the Lord does not want me pretend that I am always happy or that things are always wonderful. I think I seem to forget that Jesus also did some time in a cave as well. He knows the lament very well. This is my time in the cave, and this is my time to write my lament. I will write, and I will learn. The time of the cave will eventually pass, I just to have to remember that everyday until that day comes.

*These thoughts were also sparked from "If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I need you!

About a week ago, I started writing a book. It has a lot to do with traveling, well, one person's travels around the world. There are so many details that go into writing, and I want to be as accurate as possible. So I have a special request of my readers. If you have any great knowledge of a foreign country from first hand experience traveling there or research you have done in the past, I would love to hear from you. Any details will help me be accurate and true to the places and people I will be describing. I am currently, on Chapter 2. Chapter 3 will be when I start to use details about the different countries. If this whole thing goes well, maybe I will try to publish it. Although, that is a long time away. Look forward to hopefully hearing from you all.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February is here.

Welcome to February 2010! The second month of the new decade. A time for change to carry on, and processes to continually unfold. We all know what this month is for America and some other countries around the world. Out of all of my friends, I know an equal amount of people who love and dislike Valentine's Day. I myself, must say that it holds a special place in my heart. I have never had a Valentine's Day with romance or some significant other, but it is so much more than that to me.

We are called to love each other as one of the greatest commands. Even though many of us are aware of this, we get so busy and bogged down with our lives that we forget about loving others, and focus on loving self. Sometimes it happens without our noticing, it creeps in when we are exhausted or have had a hard day. Sometimes we go head first into it, quite willingly, because we think we deserve it. This is why I love Valentine's Day. No matter where you go in commercialism America, you can see hearts, flowers, and candy. It could be something that seems obnoxious and annoys you, or you can take it as a reminder to practice true love. A chance to stop for a day and think through how you might consider others more than yourself. Knowing the friends around you, think about what would best communicate love to them. Is it a gift, encouraging words, serving them in some way, a big hug, or letting them do something for you? Maybe we can even let this day overflow into everyday, and make it a way of life.

You never know how you can affect someone by loving them for a day.